Opening Times: Mon - Fri 8.00 - 16.30

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Solar Water Heater

Chromagen, a pioneer in the production of solar water solutions since 1962, has developed a solid global installed base, increasing supply and demand annually. Chromagen's systems, which are available in more than 35 countries worldwide, bring innovation, quality and cost savings to home owners, institutions and commercial projects. The commitment to deliver top-of-the-line water-heating solar solutions is in conjunction with the belief to promote environmental awareness.

Chromagen’s Thermosiphon solar heating system delivers high efficiency and low-maintenance. The system provides hot water after only a few hours of sunlight. This is the eco-friendly answer to a family’s hot water needs. This streamlined system uses natural water circulation and doesn’t require a pump or control unit. It includes a solar collector and a storage tank. All Chromagen systems are supplied complete with connection fittings.

Chromagen’s quality management scheme meet ISO 9001 standards. Our products are made of the highest quality raw materials, while modern production lines ensure a consistency of precision and finish. Chromagen systems and components are tested to comply with European standard- EN12975 for solar collectors, EN 12976 for thermal solar systems, International Standard- ISO 9806, Israeli standard, SRCC USA, Australian Standard & others.

Imagine a company that you can count on. We are here to work on a clean future and a better tomorrow.

--- HSW Energy is here to stay

contact us

204 Plutostraat, Paramaribo Suriname, South Am.
+597 455 776
+597 878 4979
